Wow, and I was nervous posting this blush

Thank you, everyone, this feedback as really made my day (month/year)!

I'll never be able to see any of my rabbits without imagining cute little toddler Clark holding it by the foot and tugging him around with him all over the place.
Well now we're even, because my towel is yellow and now I can never take a shower without picturing cute little toddler Clark all wrapped up in it! (And cute grown up Clark bottom peeking out of it....)

I'm not even worthy of playing in the same league you are.
<snort> This from the lady Sue offered her crown to? I think you're in a much higher league than myself.

So, as much as I'd like to, I can't take credit for inspiring this beautiful fic.
It was your comment, though, that really made me stop to think about it. When I was trying to think of a subject for the Martha Kent challenge you comment was the first thing that came to mind. I think you deserve some credit wink

Thank you again to everyone who reviewed! I'm so happy to know you liked it.

"Lois Lane is Clark Kent's Superman." - Brian Miller