Well now we're even, because my towel is yellow and now I can never take a shower without picturing cute little toddler Clark all wrapped up in it! (And cute grown up Clark bottom peeking out of it....)
That yellow towel is going down in history. *lol*

<snort> This from the lady Sue offered her crown to? I think you're in a much higher league than myself.
Oh, please - she had to have been OD'ed on NyQuil! The day I can top anything Sue writes is the day I quit my day job and start writing naughty novels for a living.

...and yes, I'm not supposed to be here. I swore I would not come and see if part 9 of Platonic was up. So, of course, I had to come and see. Believe me, after reading *that* I know for sure that I'll be writing Perl scripts for a long, looooong time to come.

(off I go to leave feedback since I'm obviously way too distracted to code now. I'll just have to work on my lunch hour again. *lol*)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies