Hello everyone! Woo-hoo! I get back from vacation and there's all this new fdk for part 10! Yippee!

Symbolicangel, I had to laugh at your "eww, don't kiss Dan" comment. Ewwww - ha ha ha! I'm glad to see you're enjoying the A plot. Thanks for the fdk and I had a blast in Florida (except for having limited internet access and even more limited time to check it <g>)

Hi Jojo! Actually I would love it if you started an "I hate Dan" fanclub. And I definitely expect to see the button if you make one. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi there James!

ok, need to stop commenting on everything or it will be longer than you post!
Hah! I loved all the comments. Thanks. They made me laugh. <g>

Holy Hanna - ha ha! Glad to see I blindsided you with that one. laugh

Should she really be drinking when she is taking a strong medicine for her memory??
Well, she did have a glass of wine with her dinner with Clark the other night. And she has the instructions from her doctor - I'm sure he told her whether or not she could have alcohol. wink

Ewwww -- hee hee. Another one. That's priceless! Thanks James!

Hi Nancy!

Thanks for reposting the Rumaki poster - I loved that poster on the thread (and thanks to C_A for making it and dedicating it to KathyM and I. <g>)

Thanks for the fdk Nancy. And thanks to both you and James for catching the "read head" thing. I'm off to get that fixed asap.

Thanks again everyone! I'm off to read the fdk for part 11. Yippee!!!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.