ooooh... that shot from Best Men? YUM! I posted a screen grab over on zoomway's boards the other day. It's still there, somewhere on the thread about No Alibi - cause I took pics where the movie was shot (did I tell you it was shot in Montreal? did I? LOL!) Not sure if it's OK to link to that here, but I'll gladly show you all these images, just message me. smile

OK.... onto actual feedback!!

Her mind swam with the thought of Clark Kent carrying her and putting her in bed.
swam? ah! my mind would have drowned by now. *lol*

This couldn’t be Clark Kent. That was impossible. Wasn’t it? Yes, yes it was. He was a fictional character.
He was... WHAT? What do you mean "fictional character"? I guess I better give that private eye a call... no wonder he hasn't gotten anything to show for all the money I paid!

“Nothing evil about that – unless you’re one of those people who believe that Microsoft is the root of all evil.”
/me raises her hand. I'm a believer. Hey, I own a Mac for that exact reason. Seriously.

“Do you roll the *suit* sleeves up too?”
OMG! You know, I've always wondered about that!!

DJ, this is so much fun to read!! I can't wait to find out what happens next. smile You're such a gem for writing this as a "get well soon" for Sue - it's just the sweetest thing. Sue, I hope you're doing better now - and I'm sure you know how blessed you are for having a friend like this. We should all be so lucky. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies