Oh, so galactically funny!!! goofy

You sort of slid down,
Don't know why, but I find it so adorable imagining Sue fainting in a sliding down way!

Oh god, he had checked her over? All blood, and cognitive thinking ability with it, left her brain.
You're killing me!!!! (And I can imagine where her blood went!)

She looked into his gorgeous brown eyes just long enough to meet his gaze and then she found herself right back looking at his hands again. Those hands had touched her, had picked her up - had laid her down gently in her bed...

Her mind swam with the thought of Clark Kent carrying her and putting her in bed.

“Kent. Mr. Kent.
OMG!!!! That joke had a license to kill!!! rotflol

She bet this whole little mix-up – whatever it was – hadn’t been in the job description.
Whose job?

“No, please. I’ll leave,” he said in a voice that reminded her of that ‘soothing’ voice Clark used on Lois sometimes.

“Listen, buddy, this is getting old, real fast.
Thanks for teaching me a new expression!

Wow! I’ve heard some whoppers, but that one takes the cake.
Hmmm. Not too familiar with exactly those expressions either, but they sure sound good.

He was frowning at her and, for the life of her, Sue couldn’t figure out why that made her want to smile. Probably because she’d seen that frown before – but it was usually directed at Lois.
Aaaawww!!!! <sigh>

He was dressed just like Clark – down to that crazy tie he was wearing. In fact, she recognized the tie. The top half of it had a white background with colored diamond shapes on it. It was separated by a diagonal line and below that the tie was solid black. One of his more bizarre ties. The only reason she recognized it was because she had watched ‘Just Say Noah’ the other night doing some research for her latest fic and that was the tie Clark had been wearing for that episode.
The tie-ology of Clark Kent....

She continued her examination up, to take a closer look at his face. A small freckle just above his upper lip caught her attention. Oh god – the freckle.
The freckle! The freckle! (Look behind you, Sue, I think Jojo is about to break into your house....)

Grabbing hold of some skin on the back of her arm with her thumb and forefinger, she pinched it – hard. “Ouch!” she hollered, following up with a curse.
Don't pinch self! Bad idea!!!

She knew she really ought to just order the man out of her house... and she was more than certain that if she did, life would simply return to normal.
But some perverse part of her wanted to beat this. It was some kind of sick game and she didn’t want to give whoever was responsible the satisfaction of getting to her.
So Sue!!!! rotflol

Clark cleared his throat. Sue couldn’t believe it – she had actually babbled. Like Lois! How embarrassing.

“Why not? Just a peek? You could just do a real quick spin...”

“I can’t ‘spin’.” He sighed and sat down on her bed again. “My powers don’t seem to be working properly right now.”
Well, there's a slow way of undressing, you know?

“Clark, stay put, I’m gonna take a quick shower
oh, wait a minute, don't stay put, come join me in the shower!"

This was the funniest thing I've read in a long time, DJ. I LOVE it!!!!
