Oh my goodness. This is such a cool story. I'm grinning (as said above - it's totally happening to me too) and giggling all the way through.


It so great to have CK come to the 'real world'.

“Can I see it? I know that’s a pretty bold request, but you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to see Superman – you know, up close. I mean, I personally always liked you better as Clark and thought Lois was completely blind to ignore you like that...”
Soooo funny!

Grabbing hold of some skin on the back of her arm with her thumb and forefinger, she pinched it – hard. “Ouch!” she hollered, following up with a curse.
Ummmm. Why not enjoy this 'Nyquill high'? No pinching allowed!!

She continued her examination up, to take a closer look at his face. A small freckle just above his upper lip caught her attention. Oh god – the freckle. She had spent more time than she would admit to, looking at that freckle.

Okay. There was no faking *that*. So much for a look-alike. “Um, could you excuse me? I need to use the restroom.”
YES! The freckle made it in!

He frowned for a second and then a small smile tugged at his mouth. “Chumpy.”
I like how you just didn't put Chumpy. I enjoy the description. laugh Cute sloppy

Have a fun weekend!!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.