Oh my lord in heaven. I laughed myself completely silly over these comments. My sides still hurt. You may think the story is funny, but these comments.... ha ha ha!

Okay, okay, I think I'm better now. Let's try my hand at a little response...

I truly am ecstatic that all of you have gotten so many laughs over this...and Sue it's not at your expense -- after all, I wrote this story specifically for you, to help you feel better and get over your cold. And I know I was deadwrong on some of my characterizations of you wink but I wouldn't have wanted the "Sue" character to follow you too closely. blush I almost put another disclaimer at the beginning of part 2 that said something like "all opinions, attitudes, and characterizations expressed in this fic belong solely to DJ and should not reflect in any way on Sue - poor Sue". <BG> Ha ha!

Anyway, thank you for indulging me, Sue and I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Okay. Lisa - I'll be waiting for that further fdk.

Jojo- I loved the laugh (and the deep breath in between) Sorry to make you laugh so hard, but I had been writing so much angst lately that I was beginning to wonder whether or not I had a funny bone left in me. I'm glad to see I've still got it. <g>

Hi Ann! You want me to say sorry for not throwing Clark into Sue's arms? blush Ummm, do you know how difficult it would be for me to "write" a scene throwing my evil Queen into Clark's arms? Why do you think I posted this on the PG side? Hmmm?

"I've heard some whoppers but that one takes the cake" -- translation - I've heard some tall tales before but that one wins the prize. Does that help? <g>

Thank you for all that lovely fdk. The comment about Jojo breaking into Sue's house (after the freckle) was hilarious.

Hello Cornelia! Thanks for the fdk. So glad you're enjoying the story. I'm not exactly sure <g> but no, I don't think there will be any "floating" for Sue. laugh

Lisa said:
It's supposed to be safe for work! But I suppose I can't blame anyone else for my imagination's reaction to innocent remarks. [Big Grin]
goofy (Sorry Ann - you know I had to tease you...)

Jojo said:

"Show momma some thigh."
[Linked Image]

Oh my gosh, I don't even have anything to say to that. Ha ha ha!

Hi Pennyfeather - hmm, yes, that pen. Interesting little thing, isn't it? Thanks for the fdk!

Hello Yvonne! Thanks for the comments! laugh It's my tribute to Sue. <g>

Hi Angelic - Best. Idea. Ever. -- Thank you! Glad you're enjoying it.

Woody - will Clark stay normal? Hmmm, can you keep a secret? Okay, well then, *&%@*!~*&$%!) What do you mean you can't read that? <g>

SUE!! Hi Sue!!!

So where's my motivation to keep reading? <pouts>
dizzy Sheesh! There's just no pleasing some people. <g>

Yes, I really do have a notebook. DJ knows about it because there was one terrible morning when I was at the corporate office and I was terribly certain I had left it sitting on my desk. Which would be okay if I didn’t have a co-worker who freely rifles through my stuff just to mess with my head. In the end, I still had the notebook. Whew. I was thisclose to a mental breakdown.
Yes, I was going to make a little reference to that in the next part. <g>

Not true! I know exactly how DVDs work.
Ha ha ha! Sue, you are too funny...

Which is why DJ has to make it up. I could tell you the truth and no one would buy it. <heh>
SHHHHH! Sue! You weren't supposed to tell them that - that was just our little secret! Now they're going to call the asylum on us for sure. [Linked Image]

Go on, show me the zipper!
Heh - not in this story... there's no way I could write that!

Not true! DJ, you more than anyone knows the size of some of my plot holes in the early going.
Lies, I tell you. All lies. <g> [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Thanks Sue. I'm glad you're enjoying it. laugh

Hi Roo!!! Thanks for the fdk. I think that it's funny that everyone is enjoying seeing Clark come to the "real world". <g> I'm glad you liked the way I described him remembering "chumpy" - thanks.

Thank so much everyone. [Linked Image]

I'm just amazed at this overwhelming response. <g> Thanks!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.