This is OT, but your little capsules remind me...

My Dr. asked me to give baby Katelynn garlic to help her get over a virus. We didn't have fresh, so we popped open one of those little pills and served it up in a nasty applesauce mixture. The girl likes it hot!!!

Recently, I ran out of taco seasoning in the middle of some bulk cooking, so I read the ingredients and tried to make up my own. I only added a little, but a little goes a lo-o-ong way. My seven-year-old fussed and complained, finally deciding, "Mommy, if you were in a throw-down with Bobby Flay, you'd win." Katelynn ate every bite without batting an eyelash. She ate seconds that night, too. Those little pills can be addictive, I suppose.

the real me this time, as you can see by my lack of cape and the pair of glasses