<DJ stumbles into thread - grabs hold of the side of the screen to steady herself>

Why is the thread spinning so badly?

What do you mean 'have I been drinking'?

No. I have not.

Oh, I know what's wrong, it's from all that 'eye rolling' I was doing at Sue's comments about how she hasn't contributed much to this story (until last night - or so she says) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Hogwash and poppycock!

Oh, and everyone knows that Sue is an awesome writer, but having had the privilege of co-authoring something with her, I now understand why. You are amazing Sue. devil

What? You wanted an answer? Uh, next question...

Hi Lisa! Kissing? You mean you want kissing? Oh... well... in that case...

Hi there, Jen. 'Tomorrow is another day...' (cue dramatic Gone With The Wind Music)

Lara, your comments totally cracked me up. I hope your hands and foot are feeling better. Next time you want to hurt him, just borrow Sue's piece of Kryptonite. She keeps it in her closet...

Good question Jackie - and don't think it won't be addressed in further detail.

Hi Alcyone! *cackle*? You evil, evil woman. <g>

Elisabeth! The movie is actually entitled "50 First Dates" -- it was actually on USA (cable channel) tonight. I watched part of it - but no, you aren't missing out on anything if you haven't seen it... at least not story wise.

I'm writing another story (once again, DJ and I were thinking along similar lines) that explores this same issue but from an entirely different angle. The end result is that each night when I sit down to write I've been steamed at Clark all day thinking about both stories.
Mmm, yes, and it's yummy, believe me... because, of course, I've had a sneak peek. laugh Poor Sue, don't get too mad at Clark... if you need a reprieve, just go watch your vid. wink <eg>

Thank you everyone! I'm not sure when the next part will be posted, but soon...

-- DJ angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.