Thank you for such wonderful, glowing words! You guys make me blush. blush I am just thrilled to pieces that you guys liked this. I honestly wasn't sure how it would be received, so I'm flattered you enjoyed reading it.

Nan and Tank--my goodness! An icon? Hardly. blush Unless, by "icon," you just mean a member of the fandom who's been around here longer than dirt. laugh Honestly, I am flattered and floored you would think of me that way.

And Nan...don't make me come over there and thwap you! What are you saying, 'you wish you could write like..' whatever? You write BRILLIANTLY! As you already know, I, for one, am a huge fan. thumbsup

Thank you guys soooo much for all your kind words and encouragement! You have totally made my year. sloppy


I often feel sorry for people who don't read good books; they are missing a chance to lead an extra life. ~ Scott Corbett ~