Okay, so I have been a horrible horrible little slacker on reading some of the stories on the board. I just sat down and read this.

Beautiful. I don't know if it is the story or if it is that time of the year... or that time of the month... LOL but it actualy made me tear up and almost cry. It's like those silly halmark commercials (yes I have cried over them) where you don't know what it is about them but they just touch you.

My favorite lines of the story:

Clark smiled and drew her closer, wrapping his lower legs around her calves to keep her and her swing close to him. "Maybe that's one of the reasons I fell so hard, so fast for you when I met you. You were a challenge. You were this puzzle just waiting to be solved. And the more time I spent putting the pieces together, the more I realized that I loved you."
If anyone ever asked why Clark loved Lois when she could be so frustrating, there is their answer.

Thank you for writing such a beautiful and touching little fic. I really do hope that we get to see a lot more from you. The romantic in me adores your writing.

/ends her babbling since none of the above is in any sort of cohesive format. Just take it as a compliment that I couldn't even form a sentence to descrive how much I liked it.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!