From all the talks he and Lois had had since the Luthor fiasco, he knew her self-confidence had taken a beating.
Awww… Yes, Lois has been beaten down.

Clark gave her a sympathetic look. "Sorry. It's probably not my place to say, and you're probably going to get mad at me for saying it, but maybe if you talked *with* her instead of *down* to her a little more often, you'd learn things like that."
It needed to be said, Clark, even if it was hard for Lois to hear.

"Lois," he began, his voice low and firm. "You don't have to be jealous of Lucy. Your turn will come. You deserve to be happy, too, and I promise you, you will be."
Doesn’t always happen. Platitudes like that might not get you anywhere, Clark. (A declaration of love certainly did the trick though.)

He was the ultimate in hidden agendas, it turns out. The question is, what was his agenda for me?" She gave a plaintive shrug. "I guess I'll never know."
You probably don’t want to know, Lois.

In a vulnerable whisper, after only the briefest of pauses, he said, "Me. *I* love you like that."

Clark smiled and drew her closer, wrapping his lower legs around her calves to keep her and her swing close to him.
This is just so sweet! …and sexy.

I’ve got to tell you after I read the first part, I was left thinking that I didn’t know if I wanted to continue. (It had a lot more reflection in it than I typically like.) But I’m so glad I did!! Oh, Erin this whole part was just so beautiful. It almost made me believe in fairy tales again.

DJ scowls in Tank's direction - now just what's wrong with 'mushy stuff'?
DJ, you do know this is Tank, don’t you… One of these days, though, we are going to have to band together and make Tank read a kidfic - better yet, let's make him write one...

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~