Okay, I'll admit that the story was well written, humerous, very sweet and waffy as all get out. BUT...

It did seem to be missing a couple of very necessary elements to make it truly complete. It wasn't a vignette so there was plenty of opportunity to add these two very important ingrediants (hey, a cooking metaphor wink ). I feel somewhat embarrassed that I have to bring them up, but it seems that the other gentle readers are just too polite to do so.

Here it is. The two missing elements from this story were; (do I really have to say it?) (Okay I will) the haircut for Lois to denote the change in her and Clark's relationship, and some WHAMS!

You see, as became obvious in the show, the haircut for Lois became a physical metaphor for the change in Lois and her feelings for Clark and their relationship. The moving on from just best friends to more. You have taken Lois and Clark to that next step in their relationship, therefore you are obligated to facilitate the physical manisfestation of the haircut also. Without the haircut we can't be certain that her feelings have truly evolved. We can't trust that this Lois won't revert back to her old ways of denial like she often did anytime she allowed herself to show emotion and feeling for Clark in the early days.

Now, as for the Whams. They are necessary for two reasons. First, a waff (and I admit that waffs occassionally have their place) is much more powerful and poinient when set up with the proper whams. Hurt/comfort stories are a staple of fanfiction, but you can't have the comfort without the hurt. And, most important... they're FUN!

Good job, overall but I hope you remember this for the next one wink

Tank (who wonders what it would be like to have two beautiful women throwing themselves at you)