This chapter was worth the wait, Caroline!

I love how even though Clark thinks Lois is a pain in the a**, it is still her words and actions that ultimately lead to his idea for Superman.

This is priceless. I can just see Clark's face, and Martha's face in response!

His mom sounded far more offended by Lois’s rejection of him than she had been by his sleeping with Lois in the first place, and Clark couldn’t help loving her for it.
Gotta love Martha!

You know how you didn’t tell me your real name? Well, I might have forgotten to mention that I’m really an alien from outer space with superpowered sperm...
I know Clark is in pain here, but that's a great, funny line!

This was great lemonade on a hot summer day, Caroline. Thank you, and I hope you have a good trip. And maybe you'll do some writing while you're away (hint, hint)? smile

lisa in the sky with diamonds