Super-powered sperm?!?!? Priceless!!! I laughed out loud, and not just at this!

Really, this was a precious installment. You gave us a peek into Clark's mind and heart and let us know how seriously he's taking his mistake. And, like Chris, I'm glad Lois provided the idea for Superman's costume, however inadvertantly.

I wonder how close to the mark Jonathan's assesment of Lois's emotional and mental state was. I think it was pretty much on the mark, considering all that we've seen of her so far. And I'm a little surprised that Perry hasn't spoken to Clark about extending his temporary contract, but then it adds to the tension for Clark to believe that he's only going to work at the Planet for two weeks.

How will he relate to Lois as Superman? Will she figure out who he really is, or will she wilt at the superhero's feet? Personally, I think neither. I expect her to be a good bit more cynical about the Big Blue Boy Scout in this reality, and I imagine that she'll ask some hard questions and not take his evasions for answers. Clark may have bitten off more than he can chew this time!

Have a good trip! And come back with lots and lots of great ideas!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing