Darcy, thanks for the kind words! You've made my morning.

As for this being or not being medically plausible, we're talking about a humanoid who can survive near-absolute zero temperatures and zero atmospheric pressure in space (for a short time), the extreme pressure at the bottom of the sea, the heat of an active volcano, the concussion of a high-explosive air-to-air missle, all without a scratch, so having a lead deficiency that makes him vulnerable to Kryptonite isn't all that far-fetched to me. My first impression is that it would be something that would be a long-term regemine, not a single injection, though, and he might suffer withdrawal symptoms or side effects from the increased lead in his system.

My favorite parts were when Bernie didn't blink when Superman revealed his other identity, but nearly passed out when Superman whizzed around the room and spun into his civilian clothes! That was excellent.

Keep up the great work!

Oh, and now I've got to make sure I've read all your other stufff. You've just expanded my reading list again.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing