Thanks, Laura and Clasicalla, for the comments.

It is Superman canon that a human can be affected by kryptonite from long term exposure. Lex Luthor sometimes has a missing hand to prove that. Even with long term exposure the level of lead in a human's body (it's a very minute amount) wouldn't be enough to protect them from kryptonite.
Yes, but that is actual Superman canon--I was just going on Lois & Clark-only canon. I'm not familiar enough with the whole Superman fandom (I've only ever seen L&C, Smallville, and the five movies) to add in the rest of the Superman canon.

Nowhere in the L&C canon have I seen humans being affected by Kryptonite exposure. Although it definitely happens (with almost disturbing frequency) in Smallville, which I haven't watched for over a year.

Also, I'm not sure where, but I know I've read that Superman's blood is also iron based and is somewhat (only somewhat) similar to a humans. (He is sometimes even called a meta-human.) That being the case, I imagine that ingesting lead could lead to lead poisoning.
Must be more non-L&C canon. I haven't read that anywhere myself.

As for the premise not really working--I knew that already. *shrug* But I got this idea, and wanted to play, so I ran with it. smile

Thanks again for the comments! Much appreciated!

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

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