Nice story - I like that Bernie knows the truth, now, but speaking medically it doesn't make sense. 'Normal' lead levels in humans are next to nothing. I think it might be more accurate to say 'normal' in the case of a human is the level a human can tolerate without falling victim to lead poisoning.

Also, in 'The Green, Green Glow of Home', Jason Trask says:

(Kryptonite) Emits an extremely high band radiation that doesn't seem to affect humans.
It is Superman canon that a human can be affected by kryptonite from long term exposure. Lex Luthor sometimes has a missing hand to prove that. Even with long term exposure the level of lead in a human's body (it's a very minute amount) wouldn't be enough to protect them from kryptonite.

Also, I'm not sure where, but I know I've read that Superman's blood is also iron based and is somewhat (only somewhat) similar to a humans. (He is sometimes even called a meta-human.) That being the case, I imagine that ingesting lead could lead to lead poisoning.

Anyway, I don't think the premise works. I do really like the idea that some (other) kind of vitamins could help the fight against kryptonite.

Okay, now just tell the nurse [Linked Image] to shut up and quit looking at things from a medical standpoint.

And yes, I'm looking forward to more of your other story.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~