Originally posted by Vicki:

(As Terry said, we'll wait. But we'll nag. wildguy )

- Vicki
Hi Vicki, and anyone else who's interested smile

Fear not, this is the kind of nagging I can get into. (Unlike when my kids do it and it drives me bananas!) I'm flattered that you're missing the story.

Real life has settled down a bit, and the next chapter is in the editing stage and should be posted this weekend sometime - and maybe even tonight, depending on how much time I have today. And I've been writing backwards some, so a good bit of the end of the story is also written. I should be back to my every-5-days-or-so posting schedule now (knock wood).

Many thanks to all who have followed this story. I know WiP's written by an unknown writer can be seen as risky ventures, and I appreciate your giving this one a chance. More soon, I promise smile

