Only a few more parts to go? frown

When she’d pleaded with him that she wanted to understand, he suddenly realized that he wanted the same thing. For so long, the only two people in the world who really understood him had been his parents. His parents were wonderful, but they were still parents, and there would always be things he wasn’t quite comfortable sharing with them. The urge to be understood by a friend, a contemporary, was almost overwhelming, and Lois was the only one who knew enough to be a candidate.
Love this. His hurt and mistrust mingling with a deep yearning for someone else to understand. *sigh*

The truth was that he couldn’t do anything but love her, no matter how hard he tried.
Wow, I love this. Really, really love this.

It was, quite literally, more than he had ever allowed himself to hope for. He had dreamed of a romantic relationship with Lois since practically the moment he’d met her, but it had always taken on a rosy glow of unreality in his mind. There had been ridiculously conventional dreams of a perfect, picket-fenced life, and there had been more blatantly sexual fantasies, which, though tame by many men’s standards, still made him blush when he thought of them in the light of day. Somehow, though, his mind had balked at imagining the inevitable moment when he would have to reveal himself to her completely. He had never allowed himself to indulge in dreams of total, unconditional acceptance.
Yeah, it's a big chunk, but I couldn't pick out just part of it. goofy This is brilliant. Great insight.

Life with Lois – the real, live Lois who would drag a heavy ladder a half a mile just to stick her nose somewhere it didn’t belong – life with that Lois would be interesting.
LOL! I love that! Another great insight!

It would be challenging. It would be crazy and fun and sometimes aggravating, and it would remind him every day of all the reasons he’d fallen in love with her in the first place.
AWWWWWW! *gets all teary-eyed*

Upon opening the farmhouse door, he concluded almost immediately that Lois was trying to drive him insane. He was sure of it.
ROFL!!! goofy

“The grasshopper funeral was a little over-the-top, though. I mean, you can take that whole tender-hearted thing too far, even when you’re four. And don’t grasshoppers destroy wheat crops?”

“Dad refused to attend the funeral,” Clark admitted.
whinging I'll be waiting patiently (whimpering and grumbling under my breath wink ) for the next part!!

Have I mentioned before, Caroline, how much I love this story??

Sara smile

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