#40 Sister Stardust by Jane Green

The blurb on this book didn't match the story at all. Supposedly it was about the real person Talitha Getty and her lavish lifestyle in the 1960s. Instead the book focused on a fictional character, Claire/Cece, that hung out with her for three weeks. Sometimes it's kinda fun to read about the counterculture happenings of the 60s but this got a bit ridiculous. Cece is an outsider yet invited to go to Marakesk with rock stars? Who immediately become best friends? There's drugs everywhere. Cece almost overdoses but it feels like it was no big deal? Her brother's best friend happens to be rich (while Cece and her brother are not), and comes to Marakesk to bring her home? Cece and Talitha are such great friends, the author keeps telling us but after three weeks, Cece doesn't answer any of Talitha's letters. This is just silly. Don't waste your time on this one.