#19 Big Thunder Mountain Railroad by Tigh Walker, Felix Ruiz

The ancient spirits are angry about the over mining of Big Thunder Mountain, and the mine owner's daughter teams up with some local "bandits" to make him see that he's putting people's lives in danger.

An okay read, but it felt forced and kinda disjointed for me. Still love the Disney Ride though.

#20 Enchanted Tiki Room by Horacio Domingues and Jon Adams

In the Enchanted Tiki Room, birds can talk and magic can bring all your desires to the surface.

A cute read but nothing special. A little hard to read due to writing in the various birds' various accents. The Disney attraction is way better.

#21 Sylvanas by Christie Golden

A telling of the life, death, and unlife of Sylvanas Windrunner - once the Ranger General of her elven people, killed by Arthas Menethil, raised from death as a banshee, and eventual Warchief of the Horde. It explores how she comes to strike an alliance with Zovaal and why she wants to help him break the cycle of life and death.

Well written in terms of nailing the character voices and I loved the insight into her early life. However, I'm not sympathetic to the character (I've played Horde-side in Warcraft since I started playing in 2006) - she is and will always be an absolute traitor to my people. And the book had some huge, glaring time jumps that I hated - they just felt so WRONG to leave out. I mean, the moment of Sylvanas' death at the hands of Arthas is kind of a huge deal, and we're just sort of stuck with her waking up dead at one point.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon