I finally found the time to go through this story. I love the premise, that's very intriguing, and I believe it's definitely something that hasn't been done yet which, after all that years, is quite rare. This Clark is a bit different from what we are used to but I think under the circumstances, that's a good thing and plausible. The iea that Clark, with enough training, can consciously decide which of his powers will return first/where to focus his sun energy is neat. I hope that this "friendship" with Lois (that no doubt will turn into something more sooner or later, won't it) can help Clark to overcome his self-doubts and accept himself as a person. I'm sure that these two will hopefully find a way to deal with Trask and co. for good so Clark can be free and may become a public Superman one day...assuming that is still something Clark would want to do after his terrible experiences. Maybe it isn't, and given his POV, I wouldn't blame him either.

Great story. I binge-read through it in two days and enjoyed it. Too bad that I hadn't the time to read it pre-Kerth or it would have got a vote from me.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.