Well, the Lane luck strikes again! She got lucky and found the one thing that can gravely harm, even kill, Clark Kent, and she's just exposed him to it. Now he'll have to improvise on his plan and figure out a way to shove Lois out of the target area. Doing both is going to be most difficult.

But I have faith in you. And have I mentioned how excellent this story is? Tight plot, good pace, danger, Clark undercover, Lois probing for the truth even when she's all but terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought, Bill Henderson doing his thing, Dan Scardino being irritating, and Luthor flashing his fangs. Y'all better watch out for the next chapter - it's gonna be a humdinger!

For you folks not from the South that's a good thing.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing