Yep, that's Lois. Selfless rescuer of seriously injured fake gangsters.

You captured Lois' amazement while watching Clark's injuries vanish very well. I noticed something that eluded me during beta - she only put on her T-shirt when Dan got close. If Clark had awakened earlier or Dan had come later, who knows what might have happened? I think it's an indicator of Lois' trust in this very strange but very dedicated man - she didn't feel that Clark would take advantage of her despite her scanty wardrobe (and what would essentially be see-through clothing when wet).

I liked it when Dan asked Clark about the explanation of his healing and Clark gently told him no. Ah, poor Dan. Doomed to live out his days with an itch he can't scratch - at least, not until Superman starts saving people right and left.

Still a great story. And now the tension is whether or not Lois will leave her window open and whether or not Clark will actually come to see her instead of disappearing again and how the heck did he get her address anyway?

I told y'all it was gonna be good. And the final chapter is just as interesting as the first. Just wait.

No pressure, Bakasi. Everyone already knows how well you write.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing