Originally Posted by traceylynn
5. I really liked his email to her, but now I want to read her reply! Lois is pretty busy, though… I hope not too busy for a little romance! (I should also mention that as soon as I read the word ‘email’ in a story by Annie and Kathy… my mind immediately went to a certain email and I started giggling, because that Tea Totaled email is classic. Somehow I don’t think this Lois will end her email with “so yay love! Come back quick!” but we can always hope, haha)

I'll be back to comment on other feedback, but I am laughing so hard I'm crying actual tears at the idea of this Lois responding to Clark's email with her Tea Totaled email. This would be the best story mashup ever.

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen