My favorite part of the day is seeing a new part of this story! A few random thoughts I had while I read this one:

1. Why do people always pull back and look at the phone when they aren’t sure if anyone is on the line? It’s a perfect detail, because we all do it, but… why? It’s not like we are going to see the other person. But yay! He called her! I got butterflies too, man. Have I mentioned I love watching them fall in love??

2. Poor Lois… I’m sure stakeout are pretty boring when you don’t have Clark next to you to keep you company. Girl does not know what she’s missing! Hopefully he will join her at some point in this series of stories! I love them on stakeouts together. Lots of time to… talk.

3. Clark is also good for reading through stacks of boring research and finding those needles in a haystack. Again, poor Lois. We’ve got to get them working together soon!

4. Cat and Lois. Sorta, kinda friendship. More or less. Haha, I love it!! Perfection. (As is Lana and Clark’s friendship in this story. I will probably replace canon Lana for yours in my head. I enjoy her way more, lol)

5. I really liked his email to her, but now I want to read her reply! Lois is pretty busy, though… I hope not too busy for a little romance! (I should also mention that as soon as I read the word ‘email’ in a story by Annie and Kathy… my mind immediately went to a certain email and I started giggling, because that Tea Totaled email is classic. Somehow I don’t think this Lois will end her email with “so yay love! Come back quick!” but we can always hope, haha)

Love this, ladies. Excited for the next part!