Originally Posted by Crazy_Babe
Love that you have kept Cat in this universe because I think she adds a great dynamic to the whole world of Lois and Clark.

One of the most interesting parts of writing this AU was realizing all the things that would change in the first two seasons if Clark never came to Metropolis and created Superman. Obviously Lois’ life would be different, but so would many other people’s. It’s easy to think about the negatives — people who would die without his rescue, etc. But it was interesting to realize that his appearance also led (indirectly, usually) to death and destruction. There were a number of plot lines specifically about Luthor testing Superman or trying to kill him or seeing him as a rival for Lois. And all those would be different (like the heat wave, which I meant ironed still happened but with a different motivation) or would not happen at all (like the bombing of the Daily Planet and it’s subsequent bankruptcy). Without Luthor’s obsessive love for Lois, spurred on at least in part by his obsession with his rivalry with Superman, he never would have bought and bombed the Daily Planet building. And if it was never bombed…there was no reason for Cat to leave and find other employment. Once I realized that, it was fun to imagine how her relationship with Lois might be different given this Lois’ progression.

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen