I dropped in to see what was going on these days and I find this absolute gem! This is wonderful, Annie and Kathy. It's warm and heart-tugging and full of real characters who aren't just supporting the main story. I like Lana and her matchmaking a lot. And I like snarky but friendly Cat a lot, although I expect that we'll see more of her in future chapters. And y'all have drawn Clark's students very well. I really enjoyed their shift from "Mr. Kent says..." to "Ms. Lane says..." and Lois' reaction to it.

This is really beautiful. It's well-paced and feels natural, as if a brilliant time-traveling author (or a pair of them) had re-written L&C from scratch. Your unspoken promise of angst and pain for these two, coupled with their undeniable mutual attraction, makes me think that they'll have a very difficult time ahead. Yet you also hint very strongly that these two links in the same chain will end up together forever before the final chapter is written.

You also have left some tough questions dangling. Will Lois decide to be a Kansas teacher's wife? Or even teach herself? Will Clark leave the comfortable nest and venture out into the big and raucous Metropolis to report the news as it happens? Does Lana know about Clark's special gifts? (You've delicately neglected to clarify that point. Great tease.) Which one will be the first to decide to be noble and break it off? Which one will decide that doing so is the stupidest act of the current century?

I'm glad you're posting daily. I'm already jonseing for my next fix. Keep up the terrific work, you two!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing