
What a marvelous surprise to find a new story from you. And what a delightful story it is! I savored each scene. Your descriptions - whether of the weather, the food, Clark's super-hearing kicking in, or Lois' attire and mood - really add depth to the story, making it easy to feel all the sensations associated with each scene. So glad that Lois was not bamboozled by Lex. Loved the symmetry in both Lois and Clark choosing the other, Clark to support her and Lois to acknowledge his efforts,

Well done seems SO inadequate! Thanks so much for sharing this gem!

Awww, thank you! blush Originally this story was going to be a mood piece, but thankfully wiser heads (my hubby Ted and a PMer) prevailed. This direction is so much more satisfying! Actually the hardest part of the fic was having Clark decide not to patrol the city that night. We usually expect Clark to 'be on duty' every evening. But he really wanted to spend time with his lovely partner and it was the right decision. If he had gone to answer a rescue, Lois would have flown to sunny Miami with Lex and the rest would have lead to a certain green cage we all hate. frown

The descriptions were also a challenge, especially the pastries! No French or Italian bakeries around here to do a 'taste test'! Again thanks my friend, your comments are always a joy to read.

Last edited by Morgana; 01/22/22 09:06 PM.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.