This story was a master class in engaging the senses. Your writing was so vivid I could almost feel myself struggling against the water.

I feel like this should be part of a bigger story, though. Why did Superman let his guard down so much? I get the feeling that it is more than just guilt over a missed birthday party coupled with putting himself in Kim's shoes. By this point in his hero-ing, Clark would have learned to master his emotions better than that. That he let slip to a total stranger not only that he is a parent, but also the age of his child makes me think that he is so distraught or distracted that he isn't thinking completely clearly. Were it not for his laugh at the end, I would have assumed that perhaps his child had died or was dying; as it is, I am uncertain what the situation is. Is it really just guilt causing him to divulge so much, or is there a larger story? Inquiring minds want to know.

Either way, this was a compelling story.
