Oh, wow. What a heart-ripper. The parallels between the rescuer and the rescued are so beautiful, and the guilt just jumps off the page. But he can't do anything else. A mother and child likely would have died otherwise. Military and first responders feel the same kinds of pressure to be in multiple places at once - do I show my family how much I love them or try to save people in imminent danger and risk damaging my family relationships?

It's all so very good, but my personal favorite is this:

“I think that’s the last of them,” Superman called out to an official with a clipboard. He turned back to her. “Is there anything you need, Ma’am? I could get a message to someone…?”

Kim shook her head. A doctor was holding Jake now, freeing her hands to wave the superhero away. “We’re fine. Go home. Go see your—” She checked herself. “Go eat cake.”

He laughed and flew away, disappearing into the night.

This is truly beautiful, Mary. Thank you.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing