I've been less active than I used to be, but I'm trying to force myself out of hermit-mode and at least check on this place more. It's hard to say exactly what happened, but I think having a lot on my plate is the biggest factor. I'm finally back in Florida after years away; the home I returned to has thus been neglected on top of going through a hurricane or two. I got off *extremely* lightly all things considered: stable building, intact roof, etc. However, there are still things that need to be done on every level: wiring, plumbing, construction, etc. It's hard to be creative when you're dog-tired and the day's todo list isn't even half done. I ended up burning out at my last job and have been hesitant to look for another because it just feels like I have no time or energy to give it. Plus, I swore to myself that I would finally write a book this year and hnnnnnnng....

But you know what? I'm glad to have you guys. I need you guys. I need to remember that it's okay to just hang out and tell silly stories about Clark talking to sock puppets.
