Lynn - I can totally respect and understand the just being thankful your mom is still around. And thanks for the kind word about the cats. We kind of knew Ariel would be passing - she dropped a ton of weight after Mufasa died, plus she was 16. Still, we'd hoped the new boys would ease any loneliness she had. (It didn't, she resented that we brought them home.) Mufasa was a shock - he was only 13 and healthy as a horse until suddenly he had a bladder mass. And as for the Cats reference, you may have read my mind. I watched Cats back when Andrew Lloyd Webber was streaming one show a week and ever since, Chris and I will jokingly make up the most awful "second name" for the cats. "I give you Bloodclaw the Everlasting! Behold, Gutpiercer the Bonechewer!" The weirder the better, because our guys are just the sweetest things ever. (Seriously, pet Bruni and he will lick you like a dog.)

The recipe I use is: All Recipes Italian Bread. I'm sure you could probably kneed by hand or use a stand mixer on the dough. I use my bread machine, I don't have a stand mixer and who has time to do it by hand? I recommend KerryGold butter on the bread, fresh out of the oven. Absolute Heaven!

Yeah, my girls are in 2nd grade and I have no idea how. It feels like just yesterday they were born! We're over here gearing up for their first Communion in May and I just can't get over how grown up they look in their little white dresses. I have these frames for the school photos each year K-12 and when I was putting theirs in for this year, I could not get over the difference from even last year. Time flies too fast!

Cuidadora - Thanks for the kind words about my kitties.

I agree about the feedbacking. I try to get to as many as I can, but it can be frustrating to feedback everyone and get little in return. Especially on a bigger story that's taken a long time to get right. Which is why I feel guilty when I simply don't have the time to devote to someone's epic.

I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles with your ankle. It sounds just awful. Wishing you a speedier and full recovery! Hopefully when you are able to get out to places, you can get the motorized scooters in the meantime. They were a lifesaver when I broke my foot almost 4 years ago.

Hoping we all have a much better year! I, for one, am tired of living in interesting times.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon