Hi Vicki!

He yawned again, not bothering to hide it. Up here, in the thin, wispy patches of torn clouds, no one would see it, not even an errant bird.
/imagines Superman getting said bird stuck in his mouth like a biker a fly, ending up looking like Sylvester with Tweety’s yellow tailfeathers sticking out/

And even though they’d been dating for a couple of months now, he wasn’t ready to risk her wrath by calling her in the middle of the night, especially when she was on a stakeout.
Yes, she never likes it when Superman drops in on her breaking and entering.

“Go on,” she urged. “My sister lives here. I’ll call her and have her come down.”
She doesn’t know that he knows?

“Back in a flash,” he vowed again.
Says and rushes off, leaving just a yellow streak behind in the air.

Had Lois ever given Lucy a key to her apartment, in case the need arose?
[Linked Image] Was living with Lois in Season 1.

“I guess you know my sister pretty well,” she hedged after a moment.

He nodded noncommittally. “She’s a good friend.”
CLARK: She was already a great reporter when I first met her but I was surprised how stubborn she was…

Clark shook his head, trying hard not to stammer. “I…don’t have a place,” he gently lied.

Lucy smirked at him. “Sure you do, Clark.

“Those must be some strong painkillers,” Clark weakly joked, but internally, he felt like vomiting.
Yes, vomiting while flying with Lucy in his arms would be awkward.

And though they were a couple now, their relationship hadn’t been without its fair share of struggles. Most recently, he’d been targeted by the unrelenting – and very unwanted – advances of the late Mayson Drake, which he hadn’t been entirely sure how to handle.
Well, he could start by not agreeing to a romantic weekend in the mountains…

but merely securitized him up and down.
[Linked Image] ‘scrutinized’?

Two days went by with barely any word from Lois. She’d checked in only once,
To make sure nobody thinks she’s been lo-napped, huh?

Everything was returning to what passed for normal in his life.

In retrospect, he should have known better.

Lois’ face, if possible, contorted even more, giving her a dragon-like appearance.
So, ready to roast some Khals, instead of the Praying Mantis ready to devour her mate, huh?

“It was bad enough when I assumed you’d hired a hooker, but this….this betrayal…”
Good thing Lucy’s never been desperate for money…
CLARK: I just dialed 0-900-Good-Time…

“It’s not what you think,” he hastily cut her off,
You see, I’ve been stalking your apartment two nights ago…

“Glad to know this is an ongoing affair, rather than a sordid one-night stand,” Lois hissed venomously.
Can you imagine if she got back with a shopping bag and a quippy ‘Honey, I’m home!’?

“Because, Lois, I have never once lied to you.
[Linked Image]

He nodded in submission. “The thing I’ve lied to you about is my relationship to Superman. I’m not his friend,” he said softly.
I’m…umm…you’re getting both of us. A package deal, if you will. You know, me and Superman…

“Oh God, are you sleeping with him too?” Lois asked in a strangled groan.
/points to above confession/

“I…don’t know,” he admitted, shame-faced.
She…probably would have noticed something’s off on her honeymoon. Or, at least, when she gossips after with her sister.

CLARK: Lucy! You said you wouldn’t *tell* her.
LUCY: First off, I didn’t think you’d wait till *after* the honeymoon to not tell her. And secondly, I only asked how super it was!

But I can promise you that the Superman thing is the one and only thing I’ve ever lied about.
/points to his being a v…ery patient man/

“Lois, why would I want to, when I’m already with the perfect woman?” he asked sincerely.
So, she knows he’s married, then?

“Oh my God! She knew before me?” Lois practically yelled.

“It’s not much,” he rushed to clarify. “Just…it’ll probably come off better if you ask, rather than if I were to do it. When you call your sister, can you please ask Lucy to be a…uh…less messy houseguest in the future?” he asked, throwing a fleeting glance over to the undergarments on the floor.
rotflol He means, for when they’ve moved in together?

There were quite the unexpected curveballs in there clap

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.