
The feedback post and the story post each have a hundred views. But only two actual feedback posts? Am I doing something wrong? Is the subject matter too much?

Given that the series dealt with druids, voodoo, ghosts, psychics, both onscreen and offscreen deaths, lots of murderers ("There'll always be another headless body, Lois."), and other pretty heavy stuff, I figured the subject of the story - werewolves - would be okay. Maybe I'm wrong. I would appreciate some responses to this question. Really. No sarcasm intended or implied.

Anyway, to answer feedback:

Mille, thanks for the comment. I hope you'll continue. I know I don't write like you do, with your beautiful, almost dreamy atmosphere, but I like to think I can turn the occasional phrase. You're correct when you say this may not be for the faint of heart, but I have included some WAFFy scenes (because, let's face it, that's the goal on these boards - romance!) for the tender-hearted readers like myself.

There is one scene later on that is fairly graphic, although I don't think it's as icky as the prologue. The readers will have to make that determination.

Folc4, thank you. These original characters are intended to make an impression, and it looks as if I succeeded in that endeavor. I hope you like the next chapter - it's a bit softer than the first.

Speaking of the next chapter, I will post it as soon as the boards' flood protection will let me.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing