Ooh, more feedbacks! Cool!

Mille, thank you so much for your effusive praise. You wrote:

It would be a sad world if everyone used the same shades and paintbrushes

and I could not agree more. I've often written that there is plenty of room in this big sandbox for all writers. I'm both surprised and pleased that you liked "The Cold Shoulder." That one stirred up some controversy in the feedback and in my PM inbox. Cat is a fun character to play with - and after this story, I have an epic in Beta stage where Cat Grant is one of the main characters.

I never thought you were being critical in your first post. The thought literally never crossed my mind. You were just telling me about yourself and your sensibilities, and that's perfectly appropriate.

I know that lack of feedback is a characteristic of most (if not all) fandoms. Some FoLCs, even, don't believe their comments are worthy enough for others to view. And that's just not so. I invite anyone who is interested in any of my stories to let me know what you thought about it, even if you didn't like it. The only way I'm going to get better is if I learn what I'm doing that can be improved. Believe me, I listen to my betas, even if some of them may not have thought so!

Not many people like September just on general principles. School starts again along with all its associated activities, cooler weather threatens and hot weather tries to hang on so you dress in layers and either swelter or freeze, school zones slow traffic, and Winter Is Coming! (but the next GoT book isn't, not yet).

I understand about the horror movies. I don't watch them either, because the goal of the horror movie maker is to terrify the watchers. The goal of this tale is to show our favorite couple's growth and resilience as they face and defeat yet another threat to public safety and to their own lives. I just can't write a comic-book story. My muses go on strike if I do. And the prologue is probably the ickiest part of the story, except maybe for a part toward the end that's kind of graphic. Some of that gruesomeness is told from the POV of a werewolf, so it's naturally a "read through your fingers" section.

Given that you liked (?) some of my other gritty tales, you might want to sample She's on the message boards. If you do, please also read the feedback it generated. It's eye-opening.

Endelda, I understand completely about personal stuff. Seems like I smash into it about every couple of days. I wish I had a couple of extra days on the weekend, too. But thanks so much for your kind words. I hope you can shake loose enough to keep up with this sneaky beast.

Next chapter's already up. I'm going to try to post weekly - that way we'll be in the thick of the action around Halloween.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing