9: Persuasion by Jane Austen - It was referenced in Shameless Flirt and I love Jane Austen so I read it next. I thoroughly appreciated the thinly veiled insults thrown at Anne's father. If I hadn't spent the past two years reading almost nothing but historical romance and titles written during the time period, I probably would have missed them. Never thought Jane Austen could make me laugh so much.
10: My Sister's Intended by Rachael Anderson - Younger sister catches the eye of the man her sister is supposed to marry. I kept going back and forth on what I wanted to see happen as I read. I'm happy it ended the way it did.
11: My Brother's Bride by Rachael Anderson - Hmm... I'm not sure what to say about this one that wouldn't spoil it too much. I'm not even sure how much I liked the plot. I loved the characters though.

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.