I'll join in. smile I have only read 8 books so far this year (writing my own has taken up much time...). Heads up, aside from Lois and Clark fanfiction, I prefer historical romance...
1: The Redeeming by Tamara Leigh. (Book 3)
2: The Kindling by Tamara Leigh. (Book 4)
3: A Boss's Proposal by Layla Holt. -This one wasn't historical, but I was given an advanced copy and it was somewhat lacking in the writing but an enjoyable story.
4: The Longing by Tamara Leigh. (Book 5)
5: The Vexing by Tamara Leigh. (Book 6) - This and the previous books by the same author are part of a series. I thoroughly enjoyed the first and second stories in this series as well as book 5, and I'm not sure if I'll read the last 2 as they feature characters I'm not too attached to.
6: An Unlikely Courtship by Heidi Kimball. - The fact that I can't remember what happens could tell you something about this one. I rated it 4 stars though, so it must have been good.
7: A change of Fortune by Jen Turano. - I ... well ... The women's rights stuff was overdone to the point of being forced and unnecessary to the plot.
8: The Shameless Flirt by M.A. Nichols. - This one gets to join a few others on my list of all-time favorites that I would appreciate owning a copy. Surprising and Heartfelt.

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.