“As you know Clark, my parents went through a rough time in their marriage. Daddy nearly had an affair with one of his surgical nurses, but thankfully he appreciated who my mother is and didn’t pursue it. That taught me an important lesson, to value the ones I love.

So many differences in the lives of these two characters are revealed as the story develops, but I think this one lays the foundation for a change in Lois' relationship with men. Our Lois' inability to trust is deeply rooted in what she witnessed of her parents' marriage. This colors her perception of men as she grows older - she is always waiting for trust to be broken. Your AU Lois is free of that baggage, and thus able to share her heart more easily. It also led to a very sweet story. love

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink