WHat?! A new AntiK fic? Be still, my heart!

This was an absolutely beautiful piece! clap Very well done. It read like poetry, especially the symmetry someone mentioned above with the falling comparison.

Other things that stuck with me really well:

- Clark continually touching the spot where he was shot, Lois noticing it and being bothered by it.

- Martha's throwaway comment that they're his friends and he can trust them was heartwarming and probably the best thing she could have said in that moment.

- Clark's instant apology that Lois didn't understand until he started healing

- GAH the whole rest of the piece because it was fabulous.

I seriously can't wait to see what more you have in store for us! This hit every right note and I want another as soon as I can get my hands on it! But I'll wait here... patiently... ish... until that happens.


Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain