What a beautiful and clever story! I loved all of it, from the idea itself to your prose. The first part, with its throbbing, ceaseless repetition (“He stares”) and its end (“he falls”), is a jewel which marvelously reverberates in the last part (“s/he stares”, and the last sentences beginning with “she falls”, with it crucial addition). Bravo!

What more can I say? That I adored the pace of this revelation? That your Lois is an adult and not a girl having a tantrum (as in the show)? That your Clark is a beautiful mixture of strength and uncertainty, of his outer image and of his inner core? That I could almost see and hear your Martha and Jonathan? That I really appreciated to see a Jimmy who is already a James? That the scene in the plane was truly hilarious and wonderfully human? That I’d love to read more about our favourite couple in that setting?

I’m eagerly expecting the next chapter.

PS: Thank you for writing with enough brevity so I could manage to read it! RL is awfully busy and right now, I hardly find the time to read shortish stories.