Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Fun fact: I’ve just dug out my LnC albums. Well, they were stashed perfectly fine in my book cupboard, so there was no actual digging involved. But I digress. Given how Mark never told his history, and there would have to be a bit of fudging involved, but what if Mark Spencer was actually Mark Kent and it’s a bit later than 2011, say, 2020 or so. The down-to-earth parents are actually down-to-earth grandparents who may or may not have moved to Kansas City in their later years. Biggest question would be, would Abby gush over Mark’s famous reporter parents? And not learn that his father is actually, well… At least not as quickly as she did with Mark’s own secret identity.

Oooohhh! Yes! I love that idea! *nudges bunny at you*

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain