Wow, people, I'm so blown away by your awesome feedback! And to think that many of you are my idols too, having written Lois and Clark stories that I totally adore.... What can I say? I'm speechless, blushing and grinning like an idiot!

But.... As incredibly flattered as I am by your requests that I write more stories - and I'm not saying that I never will - I ask you to please understand two tiny problems I have with that. The first one is about - yup - the English language. Do you know why I brushed past that episode where Lois found Clark's glasses in the mail so quickly? Not because I wanted to. No, because I truly, honestly couldn't write more. As I was trying to, I realized that I don't know what Lois's mail(box?) would even look like, where exactly it would be located, not to mention what the darn thing would be called. Is it a mini-locker? A cubicle? Where exactly is it? Inside the front door (street door?) leading into that little "hall" thing (ante-room?) leading into the stairwell? Not having English as your first language is one thing, but not living an American life, not knowing all those million humdrum little details of ordinary American life - let alone not being able to name those little details - is quite another!

Oh, and in order to write a story, I, at least, need something to work with. That thing about Clark's clothes being left all over the place, with a rose bearing a single word sticking out of each garment, is honestly the only workable L&C idea I've had since I joined these boards. We'll see when I have another.

And to end this "prelude", a few words about the story itself. Seeing that I have been telling all and sundry that I want Clark to tell Lois his secret, that I want him to feel guilty about having lied to her, that I want Lois to forgive him very quickly, and that I want them to, ahh, get to know each other really well, it was quite obvious what the general plotline of my story would have to be like. I was surprised to see how, well, not easy it was to write the more intimate parts of my story. Suddenly I was very grateful that I was writing it for the PG folder - not that I ever considered anything else.... But seeing that I have been nagging a few writers on these boards to make Lois and Clark more intimate than the writers themselves may have been entirely comfortable with.... Please accept a belated apology from me.

Okay, now on to my thanks to each of you who wrote in and gave me such amazing feedback:

Yvonne: Thanks a billion for starting this thread, for being so appreciative, for pointing out that very irritating grammar mistake, and for being graceful enough to call it a typo!

Terry: Writer of the most Terry-fic stories, thank you ever so much for praising me for this tale and for saying that you couldn't have written it yourself!

Carol: I'm so glad you enjoyed the puzzle which is a part of this story, and that you liked the revelation, too.

Sara: What can I say? You have almost no time to even read this story, let alone write any sort of lengthy comment on it - and yet you give me all of that???? I'm so, well, so flattered you wouldn't believe it.... I'm speechless. Thank you, thank you and... well... THANK YOU!!!

Oh, and thank you so much for pointing out that grammar mistake (and for telling me how to correct it) and for pointing out the missing quotation marks. I've decided to keep that "split" paragraph the way it is, though, because there is a mood change at the "split".

Oh, and Sara, did I tell you how much I appreciate your telling me that my story made you smile? smile

Sheila: Thank you so much for telling me that I made you cry a little. I hope I made you smile, too!

Wendy: Wow, I'm so unbelievably flattered again. You are an amazing writer who have more or less left this fandom for the time being, you have almost no time to read any fics these days - but you took the time to read this? And you liked it so much that you are going to add my name to your new author nominations for next year?

Capes: Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story, for telling me you liked it and for insisting that I must keep writing!

angelic_editor: Thanks a million for your wonderful praise, for liking my writing in general and for appreciating my portrait of Clark in particular!

Tricia: Thank you for telling me you find my story beautifully written and romantic!

Jenni: Thanks for liking my story and for telling me I should write more!

Andreia: Thank you so much for the wonderful praise, and thanks a million for those lovely icons!!!

Nicole: Ah, Nicole, what can I say? Your amazing comment had me blushing, grinning and rolling on the floor! Your comment on Clark's writing skills, the way they manifested themselves in those one-word messages to Lois, made me laugh so hard that I'll bet I either lost or gained a year to live.... and your exhortation to Lois that she should perhaps consider what Clark might be wearing now that all his clothes are in her possession was another joke that made me do the equivalent of a week's vacuum-cleaning of rolling on the floor! And you quoted all of the twenty-five last lines of my story. Oh, wow, I'm so totally blown away by what you wrote about this, Nicole!

David: I'm so, so glad that you enjoyed this. And I'm particularly happy that you enjoyed the silly image of a pair of shoes with a rose sticking out of each shoe, because that is actually a small favorite of mine in this story.

Karen: So sorry to disappoint you by making Clark overdressed, but I guess he was wearing his birthday suit at the end of the story, so you'll have to imagine that! wink

Sara: So glad you enjoyed this, and I'm so incredibly flattered that you took the time to read it even though you say you haven't been reading fic for a long time.

Once again, people: Thank you, thank you, and thank you. You guys are awesome!!! notworthy notworthy notworthy
