Let's see, we can change - no, that's already perfect. How about - no, I don't think so. Wait, we can - no, we need to leave that alone too. Oh, I know! The adjective - no, it says what it says the way it should say it.

Shucks, Ann, you don't need a beta for this story! It's marvelous the way it is, typos or not! I knew you could write. And now that you've given us this scene, which takes Lois from depression to the edge of anger to astonishment to reasonable acceptance and drags the reader along by the scruff of the heart, we're all going to bug you for another and another and another - well, I'm sure you get the idea.

Seriously, it's a marvelous story. I never could have written it, so I'm glad you did. It says so many things about Lois and Clark and their relationship and I wouldn't have minded seeing this in the series.

Thank you for the lovely present, from you to all of us. Happy Valentine's Day!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing