Really liking this one, BJ! You got me hooked in the prologue, and I'm interested to see how this one plays out. I wasn't sure at first about Lois's "gift" but after reading this next part, I'm actually liking it. It's neat to read about Lois having a "superpower" of her own, so to speak. It reminds me that this is an alternate Metropolis, but one I really like visiting.

You have a great talent for details that draw a reader in, like this one:

News reporters and staffers swirled around her and she suddenly felt isolated, a deserted island in the middle of swift currents that didn’t touch her. Her good mood wavered a little.

The comparison of the co-workers to the swirling currents of an ocean and Lois standing alone as the island in the middle of it all really speaks to how she is feeling, so much more than a simple "Lois felt lonely." I love good characterization, great banter between characters, good flow to a story, all of that... but the devil is in the details for me. If an author can paint a picture for me, I'm sold. You've done a really nice job so far - keep it up!

I'm looking forward to the next part (and Clark coming back!) - hopefully soon!

Tracey smile