Mayson and Lois going head to head is the absolute least of Clark's troubles!

He nodded. "Yes. I thought I would fix the leak and save as many people as I could, then swing by your place with an offering of wine and chocolates as part of my apology. But the longer I stayed at the accident, the sicker I felt. I've never experienced anything like this. I've never been sick before. I barely made it back to Metropolis. Mayson's place was closer than either your apartment or mine. I landed just in time. I passed out just after I landed and she found me."

Superman has faced radioactivity before, it has even been used to cure him during the whole Top Copy episode. So that makes me wonder what was in that particular reactor to make his body react in such a manner? Perhaps Lois - once the immediate crisis is averted - can investigate that whole situation. After all, anything that can make him so seriously ill cannot be good for the rest of humanity.

It was her turn to nod. She brushed her hand over his forehead. He felt inconceivably hotter beneath her touch.

If Clark was exposed to radiation I should think he would be radioactive has well. That means Mayson and Lois will both be affected.

"Dr. Klein...he doesn't know," Clark quietly warned her. "I'd like to keep it that way. Unless...unless it becomes absolutely necessary. I'm trusting you to make that decision. I'm trusting you to make all the decisions, if I'm not able to."

In the series Bernie was kept in the dark, just as you are doing now. Why? I should think it would be important for him to know. Bernie might be a little fuzzy sometimes, but he understands the big picture once it is explained.

They left the apartment together, with Lois letting Mayson lead the way. It was a strange feeling, to be getting along with the woman who'd once been her most hated rival. But, in a way, it was kind of nice to drop that animosity toward her. More than that, it was a relief. Especially now, now that Lois knew Clark wasn't interested in Mayson in that way.

Letting go of resentment is not easy, but I'm happy to see in this story Lois is willing to try in Mayson's case. After all, she is not Linda King!

Last edited by Morgana; 10/24/16 07:37 AM. Reason: Additional comments


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.