Originally Posted by LMA
What an interesting situation--to have Mayson be fully 'in' on everything, for Lois and Mayson to get along, and for Mayson to be helping them (probably) in their most scary situation yet! I like it, DC, and the way you have set it up does really create a reality where I can see this easily playing out notworthy.

I was really feeling for Lois--to put yourself out there so thoroughly with a proposal and then have your boyfriend ditch you during it, show up at your 'rival's' house, and then find out the boyfriend has a secret identity and has been lying to you--(And!!!) that this woman also KNOWS his biggest secret! That is a lot to take in help thud. It would completely rattle anyone...

Curious to see how things play out at the hospital. And looking forward to when Lois and Clark can talk--without so many distractions.

Excited for more!!! smile

Thank you! I've been wanting to do a story with Mayson in the know for a long time now, so it was a relief to finally have an outlet for it.

I do feel for Lois. She's done nothing wrong, but keeps getting kicked in the teeth here. I hope she can weather the storm.

Thanks for reading!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon