Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Begin editorial comments:
I believe that any society has the right to invoke any reasonable and equitable punishment for wrongdoing which it desires, which means that I take no position on whether the US or France is "right" on the question of capital punishment. This story should not be read as any kind of endorsement or condemnation of the death penalty.
End editorial comments.

Thanks for letting me play in this fun sandbox. See y'all soon!

Terry, I NEVER thought that you endorsed or condemned capital punishment. As a matter of fact, I read your story as a very factual and down-to-earth tale, with Lex reaping his just rewards in the US system he lives in. As it is proper.
Living in a different country with a different legal and justice system doesn't mean I cannot appreciate nor understand facts that are out of my experience.
On the contrary, I really admire that you told what you had to, without judgement or criticism. The most chilling is that your Lex isn't even a monster, he is a rational warped being caught to the end in his reasoning.
And I really understand Clark's relief. Not having to watch over his shoulder anymore, fearing Luthor's next scheme, must be a huge relief.