Oh...wow. Just...wow.

whinging mecry whinging mecry whinging

This chapter? I've been so excited to read it, but also, so worried for both of them in doing so. I figured it'd be like a bandage, and the best thing to do would be to read it really quickly? whistle....But ouch, yeah, it still hurt (a lot) notworthy !

Poor, poor Clark! To have your biggest fear blow up in your face. To love someone, want most in the world to have them accept you, and to have that person be the one to hurt you so thoroughly by not wanting you in their life devil. And to think that he was finally in the 'place' to be able to tell Lois his secret--share himself completely with her. That definitely adds another layer to the pain that he is going to have to work through.

And Lois. As frustrated as I am with her. As much as I don't like what she is doing. I do feel really horrible for her, too. She knew--deep down and with a lot of certainty--just what this breakup would do to Clark. She's been wracked with guilt and physically sick over it since the beginning. And then to have to break up with him anyway, loose your best friend and partner (cause like Virginia, I don't know how they are going to be able to work together? ), and to do it all while deep down not even wanting to! She has fallen in love with him, and knowingly destroying him would destroy her from the inside out.

To echo Annie, I am really hoping that kiss will be Lois' undoing. You don't give the 'in desperation goodbye kiss' to someone and then rip out their heart, you know? You don't claim that you want your relationship over, that there is nothing there between you, but kiss like that immediately beforehand. I'm reeeaaalllly wanting Clark to piece that together grovel.

Awesome job--I'm so curious to read more. But my gut is telling me it might get a lot worse for both Lois and Clark before it gets better?

Last edited by LMA; 10/10/16 04:50 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~